
Lecture: Possibilities and Limits of Simulation of Continuous Casting

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering invites to the lecture: Possibilities and Limits of Simulation of Continuous Casting held by Dr. Alexander Vakhrushev 20 October at 10:00 AM in D5 416f Dr. Alexander Vakhrushev studied applied mathematics at Izhevsk State Technical University (Russia). After the graduation in 2001 he did his PhD at the Institute of the Applied Mechanics (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), defending

Jiří Hvožďa & Róbert Brachna – New members of our team

It is our pleasure to welcome Jiří Hvožďa and Róbert Brachna to our laboratory. They have just started their PhD studies after graduating from mathematical engineering. Jiří will focus on the applications of polymeric hollow fibre heat exchangers in the chemical industry. Róbert will deal with improvements of computational software for inverse problems of heat transfer.