Faculty of Mechanical Engineering invites to the lecture:
Possibilities and Limits of Simulation of Continuous Casting
held by Dr. Alexander Vakhrushev
20 October at 10:00 AM in D5 416f
Dr. Alexander Vakhrushev studied applied mathematics at Izhevsk State Technical University (Russia). After the graduation in 2001 he did his PhD at the Institute of the Applied Mechanics (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), defending his thesis in 2005. Since 2009 he joined the Chair of the Simulation and Modelling of the Metallurgical Processes at University of Leoben (Austria). He deals with the multiphase modelling of the solidification and the turbulent melt flow during the continuous casting (CC) process developing an in-house C++ code using open-source CFD package OpenFOAM. Currently he is a leader of the Module I “MHD during thin slab casting” of the Christian-Doppler laboratory on “Metallurgical applications of the magnetohydrodynamics”. In his presentation Dr. Vakhrushev will talk on current achievements in the CC process modelling, comparing R&D challenges and possibilities as well as available commercial and open-source tools.