
Petr Kotrbáček became associate professor

Petr Kotrbáček finished his habilitation and became associate professor on 28th November. Petr Kotrbáček operates in the field of heat transfer. Mainly, he is specified in optimization of heat transfer processes based on measured boundary conditions. His habilitation is called ‘Optimalizace tepelných procesů na základě experimentálně stanovených okrajových podmínek’. His work is devided in three parts: semi-solid state of steel, cooling of working rolls, and

The thesis focused on polymeric hollow fibre heat exchangers was awarded in the national competition ČEEP 2017

Dr. Tereza Brožová from the Laboratory of Heat and Flow Transmission Laboratory (FME BUT) participated in the competition Czech Energy and Ecological Project, Building, Innovation in 2017 (ČEEP 2017) and she won the prize of the general patron of the competition, the ENVIROS company, and the check for 30 thousand CZK. The jury appreciated her work called 'Phase changes on heat exchanger surfaces with hollow