The bachelor thesis that was created and successfully defended by Jiří Hvožďa in cooperation with Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory was awarded in ‘Cena Průmyslového podniku 2019’ (Awards of industry companies). The thesis is called ‘Mathematical description of dynamic heat exchanger’ and it was supervised by Dr. Tereza Brožová. It deals with an analysis of a dynamic heat exchanger, with neglect to position, described by the system of ordinary differential equations. It includes necessarily theoretical basis of ordinary differential equations and thermomechanics, a study of ordinary differential equations’ solution existence, overview of types of heat exchangers according to various aspects. The study of the shell & tube heat exchanger with polymeric hollow fibres is obtained.
Twelve bachelor theses and eighteen master theses were awarded at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. The thesis of Jiří Hvožďa received the award of Garrett Motion Czech Republic s.r.o. which operates in the automotive industry.
Congratulations to Jiří Hvožďa.