The research has been supported by the programme Zéta project No. TJ02000170, Filtration of nanoparticles generated by 3D printers using hollow-fiber membranes, granted by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.


Brno University of Technology – coordinator –
MVB Opava CZ s.r.o. –

What we want to do:

The aim of this project is to develop a compact filtration unit in the form of a housing/chamber for table 3D printers. The chamber will be equipped with a fans to draw the air through the hollow fiber membrane (HFM) and a carbon filter with air recirculation system. The exposure to nanoparticles and volatile organic compounds will thus be minimized. The other aim is to use the HFM in air filtration which are, unlike the HEPA filters, cleanable. This will be a very first application of HFM in air filtration.

Project results:

  • Function sample of filtration unit for table 3D printers 05/2020
  • Utility model 04/2021

Information on the BUT websites